Usually, once a garden design is approved, the work starts as soon as possible, which can be a few months at the busier times of year. But it's not too often that it is delayed for two years, and then needs a complete rethink since an extension has been added! But this is exactly what happened with this client.
(Before photos at the end.)
- To create a large patio space for entertaining, seamlessly flowing from the bi-fold doors
- Clean, simple lines to echo the modern extension
- To give a softer feel to the patio area, which currently has no planting
THE SOLUTION .....and a few problems
- Since the extension has exaggerated the difference in height to ground level, a seamless continuation from indoor to outdoors would need a huge built up of patio height. I did design this to the brief, however it later changed, so that the first 2 steps came from the house level, and a further 3 steps came at the end of the patio, to lawn level.
- The design is very linear, to be in keeping, and also allow plenty of space for dining table and also lounge seats (still to be purchased)
- Planting areas within the patio space, at patio height, means that the plants can be enjoyed from inside the house, and also sitting on the patio. As they mature they will soften the look of all the paving.
- Further planting space was designed in front of the substantial walling, so that walking towards the house from the lawn end of the garden, the walling will be not so imposing.
Plenty of space for a couple of sofas, still to be purchased. The right hand border has height with Rose Gertrude Jekyll, and Euphorbia Wulfenii, joined by Aster Frikartii, Penstemon which will flower for many weeks in summer. The left hand border has height from Physocarpus Diablo, and colour from Rose The Fairy, Sedum, Alchemilla Mollis, Poppy and Thyme. |
The broad welcoming steps leading up from lawn level to the patio space. The Box hedging will develop to keep the clean lines of the garden and prevent footballs from running into the beds too! The sunny right hand border will soon look very different, with tall Stipa Gigantea and Molinia grasses, joined by Sedum, Aster, Gypsophila, and Geranium Rozanne. |
A second set of steps joins from the side entrance to the garden |
A Lavender hedge will offer a scented arrival to the garden, and tiny pink flowers of Gypsophila will froth over the nearer edge, giving flowers for months. An Amelanchier shrub will grow to a a round 10 feet adding height in this border, underplanted with 5 Geranium Rozanne. Knautia Macedonica will also giving good ground cover and many months of colour. Rose The Fairy is again in this border along with Rosemary, Sage and Thyme. |
Lavender Hidcote with fresh top growth |
Silvery Stachys is used to underplant Rose The Fairy which is used 3 times crossing borders in the garden. Again, good ground cover with interesting texture. The pretty white primula in full flower each spring. |
Texture and movement from evergreen Stipa Tenuissima. |
Plenty lawn for the boys to play football beyond the grown up patio space |
Used across 3 borders, Euphorbia Wulfenii offers zesty spring acidity,but also evergreen structure. Pretty variegated Aubretia lines the edges of this bed and will soften the coping edges of the walling. |
The old patio was large enough, but a bit soleless as an extension to the driveway paving. (The garage is not used for cars, so access was not an issue) |
The old patio area next to the house, was an odd shape and did not "flow". |
During the extension work, and back to remeasure for Plan B |
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