This client, a lady living alone, was struggling to keep on top of her garden.
THE BRIEF (very short)
- Easier to maintain
- Include a couple of Roses and Fushia
- Keep the shed
- I suggested that the large conifer, although providing good screening from the neighbours opposite was dominating the small garden space. It was agreed to get some tree surgeons in to lift the canopy letting in more light, and moisture below it.
- The lawn was just hard work, so I opted to not include any
- Providing raised planting areas would make future maintenance much easier, rather than bending down to ground level
Before photos at the end
Nice and easy now to look after! Beds easily reachable whilst standing at the lower level. A broom is all that's needed now instead of a lawn mower. |
To the left a new bed with fresh soil around the base of the tree should give the new plants a chance to get established as long as kept watered. |
The view from the patio doors will be very colourful for many months. Spring time with Aubretia and Aquilaga, joined later by Geranium Rozanne, Astrantia Major, Heuchera, Thyme and Climbing Rose. Followed later by Sedum and Verbena |
To the right Daphne Odora will fill out to provide evergreen and beautiful winter scent. Climbing Jasmine and Honeysuckle with clothe the fence, joined by two Roses, and Astrantia Pink form. Lamium and Gypsolpholla, will tumble over the edges as well as provide good ground cover. |
Shrubs along the fence are Euonymus and Sarcococca Confusa to provide evergreens. Sarcococca is a top plant for winter scent.There are also 3 Actea plants for late summer scent. |
Fushia was also a request. This is Mrs Popple, with a group of Astrantia large White, which will be back for the second flowering of the year very soon. |
Texture under the tree canopy from Lirope Muscari, with Carex Morrowii behind which will form dense ground cover |
Pretty Rose "Mary", a Polyanthus variety which flowers for months if deadheaded. Its surrounded by Gypsophila plants which will smother the earth next year. |
Astrantia in the second flowering of the year |
The tree canopy dominated the garden |
There was no definition between lawn and borders |
Perennial weeds under the tree. |
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