This client's lovely property was let down a little by the size of the garden. However just over the boundary fence was a triangle of land which was owned by the housing developer, and although planted, was rather neglected. The solution.... buy the land and incorporate it into their own back garden. This made the garden a rather unique shape, but an interesting one.
The client's planting brief was very much for English country garden plants, which in just a few weeks will look very different.
Structural elements are provided by Pittosporum, Cotoneaster, Box, Euonymous, Daphne, Hydrangea, Lavender, Roses.
Climbers to clothe the fences, trellis and arch, include Wisteria, Jasmine, several Clematis, Hydrangea Petiolaris. Seasonal perennial colour will come from Penstemon, Geraniums, Sedum, Veronicastrum, Alchemilla Mollis, Digitalis, Dianthus, and others
- To provide patio area
- Second seating area suitable for sun lounger
- Colourful planting. That was difficult next to the neighbours tree canopy with root competition
- Space for Wendy house
- Space for small garden shed
- Pergola to add height and ability to hang personalised items
- Lawn for child's play
- Herb bed
This is the view from the small seating area at the rear of the garden. The timber raised bed gives the sun loving pants a good root run. Without this they would have struggled amongst the tree roots of the neighbour's garden. The timber extends into a brick curve dedicated to herbs and succulents. A brick edge at lawn level means easy lawn mowing. The garden shed will be tucked in behind the trellis screen. |
The new land which was once outside the boundary walls, is now focal point of the garden to be enjoyed from the conservatory. The cable reel is to be personalised by the owner, as is the Arch with trellis inserts. |
- The seating area against the back fence enjoys the sun earlier in the day, and can also fit a sunlounger. A Wisteria planted at the far end of the raised bed, will be trained along the fence, at 3 levels, to clothe the back fence in foliage and Wisteria Chains.
The triangle of land which previously belonged to the developer, is now included into the client's own garden. |
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