This long garden is in the center of Wokingham. All of the surrounding trees have conservation orders, including an old Apple tree in this garden. The cordon Apple trees approx 2/3rd of the way down the garden will remain and help sub divide the garden. The young couple who now live there, are keen gardeners and wanted something much "fuller".
- Additional patio area at the back of the garden. (A deck and small patio area next to the house were already in place)
- A paved area for a BBQ and Pizza oven.
- Like repetition of shapes like box balls,Hydrangea Annabelle, and structural plants..... but...
- Also liked the prairie planting look
- A herb area
- A mint bed
- An garden full of interest.
- Screening of the house at the end of their garden
The new design now sub divides the garden with pathways through planting. In the central area, a choice of route. A seamless gravel path through planting to the right, a brick edged gravel path to the left, or a lawn path also to the right. These paths join again into a circular section of lawn, edged with brick. 3 mature Betula Jacqumontii (silver birch) were planted by Tendercare Nurseries, and added immediate impact to the garden. They were positioned here to be enjoyed from the house, whilst also screening the neighbouring house at the bottom of the garden.
The team from Tendercare Nurseries plant the 3 Silver Birch. |
The climbing Rose at the entrance to the garden and the Eleagnus topiary around the deck were already in place. But now the gravel path leads straight onto a paved area which includes a 3/4 herb wheel. This is the BBQ and Pizza oven patio.
Center left and a brick edged gravel paths curves through the shady side of the garden. This area includes Hydrangea Macrophylla, Rogersia, Brunnera Jack Frost and clipped box balls interplanted with White Viola and also White Vinca.
Next to the herb wheel on the sunny side, Roses, Lavender, and Sage are joined by climbing Trachelospernum Jasminoides and Solamum Crispin Glasnevin added evergreen to the fence. A low box hedge edges the curved lawn left to right, breaking only at the path openings. Box "cubes" are planted around each Birch tree, which will add further structure in just a few years.
The herb wheel with Roses and Lavender alongside |
Rose, The Fairy flowers for many weeks |
Entrance to the seamless gravel path, which is edged with Thymus Coccinaceas. Stipa Gigantea, Euphorbia Wulfenia, and Cistus will soon add height and bulk to this area |
Pink Echinaceas |
White Echinaceas |
Dark accents of Heuchera Palace Purple jump across the path to a dark Sedum and Physocarpus Diablo shrub. |
5 Hydrangea Annabelle are joined by Achillea Terracotta, blue flowering Geranium Rozanne and soon to come spikes of Perovskia Blue Spire. A golden Physocarpus Darts Gold will a bright splash to the scene. |
Achillea Terracotta
Knautia Macadonica also looks great with cream and orange |
Around the circular patio, the customer chose a mature Magnolia Grandiflora. A second Physocarpus Diablo adds dark foliage contrast and the pink spires of Stachys Hummelo stand proud. |
The apple tree with a preservation order. These borders will soon be bursting into flower too, with Verbena, Phlox, and Veronicastrums amongst others.And next year tall frothy Crambe Cordifolia will semi screen the greenhouse area. |
Looking back to the house |
Astrantia. The perfect plant for light shade |
Around the base of an oak tree. Another pathway leading to a small shady patio space. The planting is an evergreen tapestry of Carex grass, ferns, Epimedium and Euphorbia Robbie, whcich are joined byGeranium Phaem, Fuschia and Tiarella. Sarcoccca Confus (winter box) are also planted and whose perfume will be enjoyed next winter. |