These clients, about to add a contemporary extension, knew that the garden would play a key role in their new home, viewed through the large glazed panels. Apart from the existing garden space no longer working, it's "style" definitely would not have matched the look they were after.
- Plenty of space for entertaining, for large family groups
- Easy to look after
- Space for a new shed
- Access to trim the large conifer hedge
- Make the best of the existing split level, and old sleeper retaining wall.
- He loves green, but she prefers colours
THE ISSUES - (that I see)
- The large conifer hedge in the neighboring garden serves the purpose of a good screen, but currently the fence below it is in full view, and existing plants along the back fence are almost not visible, as they are at a lower level that the raised lawn.
- All of the planting is around the edges of the garden
- A lot of lawn.... not very inspiring
The view from the left hand corner |
Plenty of patio space now for entertaining. A new shed will be behind the trellis screen which will be covered in Trachelospernum Jasminoides and Clematis. |
Grasses and Perennials will add variety of foliage and texture and also colour to the middle of the garden. The raised bed behind adds interest with planting at a different level. These new plants will of course fill out very quickly. |
View from behind the raised bed at the upper level, with Sedum Autum Joy |
Evergreen glaucous foliage of Euphorobia Mysinities also in the raised bed at the upper level |
With paving also now at upper level, a space to sit and look back at the house, and enjoy the planting in the raised bed. In summer the arch will be clothed with Golden Hop and Clematis. |
In a few weeks time, a bare root Hornbeam hedge will be planted in a border a few feet in front of the back fence. This will screen the fence, and also still allow access to the conifer hedge for maintenance. |
A favourite plant of the client, a Contorted Hazel , was saved and re-positioned within the new garden layout. |